Examining and defining the brand and its differences with the brand and the nature of the brand

Brand definition
A brand (Trade Names & marks) is the name that a company, a band, a movie or theater, a designer, a car and… offers to introduce themselves to others. Perhaps the best and simplest definition of a brand is choosing a name for a newborn. Obviously, the choice of the child’s name is made by the parents.

To choose a name, parents first of all think that in the near future among their friends and relatives and all the communication circles of their child, it will be known by the name that they both choose. In fact, the brand acts like each person’s specific names and identifies their own product.

What is the difference between a brand and a brand?

Unfortunately, in many sites and even articles, the brand is mistaken for the same brand. While it can be said that the difference between a brand and a brand is like the difference between a newborn baby and a human being, for example, twenty-six years old. The newborn baby is chosen by his mother and father to have only one name by which he is known. If you see a baby in the first days of life, you will find that the baby does not react to any external stimuli.

It has no associations, ideas, ideals or promises; But this is not the case for a relatively young adult of twenty-six. The twenty-six-year-old has outward and inward qualities that distinguish him from all. For example, he could be an expert graphic designer with curly hair; Travel to Dubai every three months to learn adobe software. Can be a little slut but have high social intelligence and…

All these features that are mentioned record the associations of this young man in the minds that lead us to the valley of branding and branding. It is interesting to know that in order for our newborn baby to be exactly the same young man of twenty-six years old, or if he wants to be like him, he needs to go all the way that the young man has gone through during these years. So it can be said that the brand has a wider scope than the brand and in fact the brand is one of the sub-brands of the brand.

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A few years ago, when we went to Yazd for a few days trip, we accidentally entered one of the restaurants in the city. The fact is that we were hungry and without knowing which of the restaurants offered better quality food, we looked across the street and read aloud the names of the restaurants around the road. Attracted. Now that about three years have passed since that trip, we miss the Abolmaali restaurant in Yazd and sometimes we want to visit it again when we travel to Yazd. The fact that the name of a restaurant on the way has not been erased from the mind of the customer after several years means that the owner of the restaurant has taken the first step to present his product correctly and powerfully. We have dedicated this article from Rosang to reviewing the brand title, so stay tuned.

What is a brand?

The first step is to choose a brand. In this article, we are going to know what a brand is and what are the differences with a brand? Want to read what are the benefits of having a brand?

A brand (Trade Names & marks) is the name that a company, a band, a movie or theater, a designer, a car, etc. offers to introduce themselves to others.
A brand (Trade Names & marks) is the name that a company, a band, a movie or theater, a designer, a car and… offers to introduce themselves to others.
We will continue to discuss the importance of branding and the features and how to create a strong brand. So if you are looking for a lasting effect of your product, join us.

Brand definition

A brand (Trade Names & marks) is the name that a company, a band, a movie or theater, a designer, a car and… offers to introduce themselves to others. Perhaps the best and simplest definition of a brand is choosing a name for a newborn. Obviously, the choice of the child’s name is made by the parents.

To choose a name, parents first of all think that in the near future among their friends and relatives and all the communication circles of their child, it will be known by the name that they both choose. In fact, the brand acts like each person’s specific names and identifies their own product.

What is the difference between a brand and a brand?

Unfortunately, in many sites and even articles, the brand is mistaken for the same brand. While it can be said that the difference between a brand and a brand is like the difference between a newborn baby and a human being, for example, twenty-six years old. The newborn baby is chosen by his mother and father to have only one name by which he is known. If you see a baby in the first days of life, you will find that the baby does not react to any external stimuli.

It has no associations, ideas, ideals or promises; But this is not the case for a relatively young adult of twenty-six. The twenty-six-year-old has outward and inward qualities that distinguish him from all. For example, he could be an expert graphic designer with curly hair; Travel to Dubai every three months to learn adobe software. Can be a little slut but have high social intelligence and…

All these features that are mentioned record the associations of this young man in the minds that lead us to the valley of branding and branding. It is interesting to know that in order for our newborn baby to be exactly the same young man of twenty-six years old, or if he wants to be like him, he needs to go all the way that the young man has gone through during these years. So it can be said that the brand has a wider scope than the brand and in fact the brand is one of the sub-brands of the brand.

If it were not for the brand, we would have to price and buy and sell products according to the system of supply and demand.
If it were not for the brand, we would have to price and buy and sell products according to the system of supply and demand.

The importance of the brand

The authors have a technique for creating a good work with the theme, “What would have happened if x had not happened?” This very good question can be extended to the brand as well. If it were not for the brand, we would have to price and buy and sell products according to the system of supply and demand. As we see, brands allow providers to expand the scope of their activities and services so that customers pay attention to factors other than price to choose the product.

Now let’s move on to the same famous example. That we need to choose our child’s name with a lot of research and attention. As we mentioned, the name chosen by the parents is the component that others know the child by. This also applies to choosing a brand. We need to be patient with thinking and researching to make the right choice for our start-up business because it is going to soon recognize our business in a vast and unlimited market with its unique brand.

What are the characteristics of a good brand?

Leaving aside the importance and need of the brand, we come to the features of brand selection. In the following, we tried to briefly and concisely express the important criteria for choosing a brand.

The brand should be able to describe the benefits of your products; For example, shoes made of leather or energy mineral water each have their own characteristics that need to be mentioned.
The brand must be expressive and expressive, and at the same time attractive and remain in the mind of the audience. Like snow powder, bridal soap.
The product brand must be appropriate to the company’s activities. For example, pleasantness is used for the name of the company that offers food products.
The brand we choose for our product must have the ability to advertise in appearance and in writing.
It is important to choose a brand in a creative way and to stay in the mind of the audience.
The brand that the provider chooses for its products must be scalable. For example, if a dairy factory is going to choose a brand for itself, it should be able to generalize it to both milk and cream.
The brand that the organization uses to provide its services must be distinctive and unique.
A good brand must be legally registered.
We also need to choose a brand that does not mean bad in any other language, dialect or accent.
Finally, it should have a simple and fluent pronunciation so that all potential customers from different classes can pronounce it without any problems.

Advantages of using the brand

The most important and fundamental benefits of having a brand are related to the introduction of your product. Also, after the purchase, if the customer is satisfied with your product, it will remain in his mind and whenever he needs that product, he will remember that he has used a product with this brand and it has had a desirable quality. So it stays loyal to that product in the long run.

The second advantage of having a good brand is that the provider stands strong with the customers and introduces itself. For this reason, if you choose an effective brand, you can introduce your company as stronger than it really is.

Another concept that a brand carries is the experience and age of the provider. So the more unique, simpler, more unique, more comprehensive, and more effective a brand is, the more customers it can accommodate. . For example, Sony is the simple winner of this example.

Types of naming

Companies need to learn naming techniques in order to name their products correctly and efficiently. Here, in a few paragraphs, we tried to provide you with the types of naming available in the current markets.

A) Naming the manufacturer
The first method is called family naming. In fact, the manufacturer puts a single name on all its products. (Such as pleasant products, Calais and Vitana) One of the strengths of this method is naming trust building and thus more product sales. For example, consumers who are satisfied with a pleasant salad dressing may be more inclined to buy a pleasant jam than a new, unfamiliar product. One of the major benefits of family name branding is that it costs less to advertise, which is why in recent times the rate of choosing the same brand for related products has grown so rapidly.

Unit naming also causes retailers to accept to offer products. For example, a retailer who observes that consumers are satisfied with Kaleh cream cheese, offers our new product and kaleh eggplant more easily. However, this method also has disadvantages. Just as the good performance of a product increases the sales of its family products exponentially, its poor performance has the same negative effect on other items in the product line, which have the same name and logo.

Other products may be of relatively good quality compared to their competitors. Also, if it is proved that there are pathogenic additives and preservatives in pleasant products, it will cause the loss of a pleasant overall image and all pleasant products will be questioned.

Another way to choose a name is to choose a separate name and logo for each product. This strategy is useful when each name is offered in a part of the market. Selected shampoo and other items. This type of naming costs more than the unit naming method because the company has to advertise each of these products separately.

But the advantage of this method can not be ignored. In choosing a separate name for quality products, no one guarantees the other product, and if an error occurs in the production of one of them, the other products with the same validity are active in the market.

B) Naming wholesalers and retailers
In this way, companies offer the products under their own name to wholesalers or retailers. For example, in cooperative or convenience stores, many items are prepared and distributed under the name and brand of the organization. Manufacturers can use this method of naming when retailers have many branches and are well known.

The advantage of using this method for the manufacturer is that the usual advertising costs are transferred to the retailer or wholesaler. It goes without saying that this requires a high risk. Because the manufacturer’s sales are highly dependent on the activities of the retailer or wholesaler.

C) Mixed naming methods
Mixed naming is a method between the two methods mentioned earlier. In this method, some manufacturers name some of their products with their desired name and others with the name of retailer or wholesaler.

D) Generic naming (no name)
In this way, the products are marketed without a specific name and mark and only by mentioning the product specifications such as mushrooms, beans, peas, shoes, etc. In a simpler language, a description of its contents is written on the product packaging and the desired product does not have any name. Or a trademark.

How to create a good brand?
To begin the discussion, it is necessary to say that being different is important both in choosing the name and appearance of a product or service and in presenting its content. Being different, in addition to persuading the customer to buy your product or service, can also be a reason for their loyalty.

The most important step for making the right and different choice is to look more closely at the nature of the product. Notice how the product you offer is categorized. For example, is your product the service you want to provide to the customer or is it a product?

Is the product you offer a part of consumer and daily goods or is it in the category of luxury goods? Are the services you provide public or private? Asking such questions will bring you closer to knowing your product, and as a result you can choose a better name for your business.

It is also important to note that choosing an effective name for a service is more difficult than choosing a name for a product. Because the definition of services, unlike goods, is mainly based on humans and humans are less trusted than devices.

In the above, we describe the brand as choosing a name for a newborn baby. Now we have to say that the story is not as simple as it seems. In fact, there are considerations behind this simple event that need to be addressed. When you name a baby, you are actually paying attention to the fact that his name reflects several dimensions of personality and behavior and..

An event that we see in a similar brand. Just as parents choose a name that conveys a solid word to convey a sense of courage to their child, so too should a brand be chosen that encompasses all aspects of the product. The brand must answer three questions in three different areas. The first question that relates to the functional component of the product is: What exactly is the product or service supposed to do? The second question goes back to the psychological component and is as follows: Which of the following motivational, situational and نیاز product needs is to be addressed? And the third question, which is a subset of the evaluation component, is how the provider wants the product brand to be evaluated in the mind of the customer?

Now that these questions have been answered accurately, the provider can choose their own brand based on the outcome of these components.

The point of this method is that the steps mentioned above originate from the mind and mindset of the consumer. Mostly the customer does not look at each of these components separately. For example, a tea in its advertising defines itself as drinking a cup of it gives the consumer the energy needed for ten hours of activity. Well, here is the functional component that provides the energy needed by the body.

In the following, the product is introduced as tea that is natural and has been harvested from Gilan tea plantations. In the second step, a psychological component emerged and responded to the customer’s need for health. As a result, the audience’s evaluation of the company’s product is a desirable evaluation that reflects a consistent brand.

Of course, sometimes a brand may be evaluated with more than one functional or psychological criterion. For example, there are different functional criteria for introducing a box. In this case, the provider must act in such a way that its brand is better evaluated than competitors. We must say that this is possible only when the provider increases the performance of the product, tying it to the third component, which is customer evaluation.

Using a strong brand is effective in offering a wide range of products. A successful brand must first and foremost be able to evoke the emotions and feelings of consumers. The second step to saying that a brand is behaving successfully is to see how much it has won the trust of the public. So being credible and gaining people’s trust is another feature of a powerful brand. It should be noted that brand building has a hierarchy, one of the most important of which is to know the exact nature of the product and the second step is a multidimensional and comprehensive look at the product or service. We hope that reading the above has been able to fill your hands with efficient tools and lead to the production and start of a profitable activity.

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